Prerequisite technologies to learn while getting into Cyber security

Prerequisite technologies to learn while getting into Cyber security

Cybersecurity is an ever-growing field that is in high demand. The rise of technology has led to an increase in cyber threats, which has created a higher demand for cybersecurity experts across multiple fields. As a cyber attack may cause devastating financial, physical and reputational loss to any organization.

However, getting into cybersecurity can be challenging, especially for beginners who don't have a technical background. Although not every arm of cyber security as a field requires any technical knowledge, many do.

Suggested Read: Top 15 beginner roles in Cyber-security in 2023

In this article, you will find the most prerequisite technologies that you need to learn while getting into cybersecurity if you're looking to get into the technical part of the fun.

  1. Networking

Networking is the foundation of cybersecurity. Understanding how networks operate and how devices communicate with each other is essential to cybersecurity. You need to learn the basics of networking protocols such as TCP/IP, DNS, HTTP, SMTP, and FTP.
You should also have a good understanding of networking hardware, such as routers, switches, and firewalls. Additionally, you should learn about the different types of networks, such as LAN, WAN, and WLAN.
Many online tutorials offer a foundational introduction to networking, but if you seek deeper knowledge about networking--Cisco is a great place to begin.

  1. Operating Systems

Operating systems are the software that runs on your computer or mobile device. You need to have a good understanding of different operating systems such as Windows, macOS, and Linux. You should also learn how to configure and manage operating systems. This includes understanding how to install, update, and configure software, as well as setting up user accounts, permissions, and security settings.
Understanding Operating Systems puts you in the driving seat for any role you're going to be filling as no computer is void of an OS.

  1. Programming Languages

Programming languages are used to write software and applications. Having a good understanding of programming languages is essential to cybersecurity. You don't need to be an expert in programming, but you should know the basics of at least one programming language, such as Python, Java, or C++. This will help you understand how the software works and how it can be exploited by cyber attackers. Additionally, knowing how to write scripts can help you automate tasks, which can save time and increase efficiency.

  1. Web Technologies

Web technologies are used to create websites and web applications. Having a good understanding of web technologies is essential to cybersecurity. You need to know the basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, as well as web servers and databases. You should also learn how to use web development tools such as text editors, version control systems, and debugging tools.

  1. Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is the delivery of computing services over the internet. Cloud computing has become popular in recent years because it allows organizations to scale their IT infrastructure quickly and easily. Having a good understanding of cloud computing is essential to cybersecurity. You should learn the basics of cloud computing services such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud. Additionally, you should understand the security implications of using cloud services and how to configure them securely.

  1. Cryptography

Cryptography is the practice of securing information by converting it into a form that is unreadable to anyone who does not have the key to decrypt it.

Having a good understanding of cryptography is essential to cybersecurity. You should learn the basics of encryption algorithms such as AES, RSA, and DES, as well as hashing algorithms such as MD5 and SHA. Additionally, you should learn how to use cryptography to secure communications and data storage.

  1. Virtualization

Virtualization is the creation of a virtual version of something, such as an operating system, server, or network.

Virtualization has become popular in recent years because it allows organizations to run multiple virtual machines on a single physical machine. Having a good understanding of virtualization is essential to cybersecurity. You should learn the basics of virtualization technologies such as VMware and VirtualBox. Additionally, you should understand how to configure virtual machines securely and how to use them for testing and development.


In conclusion, getting into cybersecurity can be challenging, but by learning the prerequisite technologies mentioned above you can gain the foundational knowledge and skills you need to be successful in this field. Networking, operating systems, programming languages, web technologies, cloud computing etc. are all a part of an evolving mechanism in technology.

There's a possibility that most of it would go over your head at first glance but with time you'd get the hang of it as they repeat over and over within cyber security and are a foundational core to every technical role.

Also, you may decide to specialize in one or many of these technologies (I take to Cloud Computing) and that's okay. As long as you enjoy learning and finding creative ways to solve problems, you're sure to have a lot of fun - and money hopefully (just stay on the good side of the law).